CKIx Marks the Spot webinar

CKIx Marks the Spot webinar

Still haven’t registered for CKIx? Want to learn more so you can make an informed decision? Watch “CKIx Marks the Spot” to learn more about the service projects for LSSP, how to find sponsors to finance your trip and so much more! Or visit: Go To...

Parli PROS and DCONS webinar

By hmcalister Quorum? Decorum? How do I make a motion? Do I need a second? What does it mean when someone says “Point of order?” Do you ever hear the term “Roberts Rules of Order” and ask yourself “Who is this Roberts guy and why does he...
Show Your Love, Save a Life

Show Your Love, Save a Life

By hmcalister Love is in the air; can you feel it? Valentine’s Day is on the way, a perfect time to show your love for others while saving lives. Circle K International on campuses worldwide will again host Show Your Love, Save a Life events for The Eliminate...