2016 Kiwanis International Foundation Scholarships – DEADLINE APRIL 15
The Kiwanis International Foundation proudly assists in the disbursement of select scholarships available through our donor advised fund program to members of Circle K International. These scholarships are possible through the generous donors whose dedication to the...
CKI//build Hotel Options
Good evening all, Now that we’re past the 1/27 5:00PM deadline for rooms at Hotel Capstone…. I appreciate all of your help in getting many rooms booked by that cut off. Unfortunately, I know that a number of your clubs were either unable to book or have yet to book...Growth in the Gulf
After a great summer of recruitment at Alabama Southern Community College and the University of South Alabama, both clubs have met and exceeded their membership goals! USA has reached 41 members and ASCC has reached 20 members, as of October 17th. Each club has used...
Ten Most Important Things for Leadership & Life
Welcome to the 2014-2015 Circle K Year. Some time ago, I came across a list of the most important factors in life & politics. On this “New Year,” I hope you find my adaptations of those rules to help you in your new roles as I know the original list did me.