by Peck Fox | May 18, 2019 | Annoucements, District Events
The 2019 CKIX Alabama District tour will depart from Montgomery for Orlando and Disney World on Tuesday, June 25, and return on Sunday, June 6. Cost of the Tour is $160 and includes a t-shirt, snacks and the ride to and from Orlando for International Convention!...
by Kyle Pierce | Jan 13, 2018 | Annoucements
Following the 2017 Alabama Leadership Academy in Gulf Shores, District Governor Cody Carroll (UAB) resigned from his position due to expected academic and professional changes in his life. Alabama District Circle K wishes Cody nothing but success in all his future...
by Amy Tedford | Sep 9, 2016 | Annoucements, Membership
Our clubs have been very busy in the past month! Here is some of the many things going on in the Alabama District! Aloha, new CKI members!!!! The University of Alabama club threw a luau ice cream social for interested students and new members! What a...
by Jessica Bloom | Aug 16, 2016 | Annoucements, Membership, Recruitment
Everyone enjoys a good movie with friends. But who can afford those movie theater prices? #PoorCollegeStudent What if you could earn a free movie night with your Circle K friends? And not just a free movie. Free popcorn and a free drink, too! How can you get this...
by Kyle Pierce | Apr 8, 2016 | Annoucements
Twice each year the Kiwanis International Foundation awards grants to the Kiwanis family in support of our common mission—to serve the children of the world. The Kiwanis International Foundation welcomes grant applications from district foundations, districts and...
by Kyle Pierce | Apr 8, 2016 | Advisors, Annoucements, Scholarships
The Kiwanis International Foundation proudly assists in the disbursement of select scholarships available through our donor advised fund program to members of Circle K International. These scholarships are possible through the generous donors whose dedication to the...