Every year the Alabama District Circle K recognizes outstanding members and clubs through awards and contests. Circle Kers are encouraged to participate in awards and convention contests in order to build club spirit and to celebrate the achievements of both the club and the individuals within the club.
The district awards are for a variety of work, showcasing the unique sacrifices of Alabama Circle Kers. Many awards are due during registration at District Convention, but be sure to check the due date on the specific ones you are applying as some are due by the Winter Board Meeting on January 16, 2015. All forms can be found on the District Convention Awards page.
The district contests are in a variety of areas, showcasing the unique talents of Alabama Circle K clubs and members. These will take place at the Alabama District Circle K Convention. Most contests do not require a form. Instead, there will be a sign-up sheet at the convention registration table. However, some contests do require a form to be submitted at the convention registration table. Be sure to check the rules applying to the contest in which you wish to compete. The contest rules packet and contest forms can be found on the District Convention Contests page.
For more information visit the District Convention website.