Thanks to all who came to ALA 2022!

November 4-6 (Friday to Sunday)
Living River Retreat on the Cahaba
2000 Living River Pkwy, Montevallo, AL 35115
About ALA
Alabama Leadership Academy is the Alabama District of Circle K International’s fall membership retreat. Alabama Leadership Academy, or ALA, is a weekend of personalized leadership and team-building training with the stated goal to allow attendees an opportunity to grow personally while developing their leadership abilities. We aim to show members how to dedicate themselves to the realization of humanity’s potential!
We live in a world that needs quality leaders, and those leaders are YOU! Be prepared to have an experience like no other! Alabama Leadership Academy is unlike any other leadership program you may have attended! ALA provides an opportunity for you to have conversations that you would not normally have regarding your leadership potential. Everyone can be a leader, and though you may feel as though you are already a leader, ALA can assist in evolving and deepen your leadership abilities.
However, before we can step up and lead we must know several things. First, we must know about ourselves and be vulnerable. At ALA, you’ll be asked to think about your values and understand your strengths and weaknesses. We’ll be practicing open-mindedness, as no opportunity can present itself through a closed door. After we are comfortable with the knowledge we have about ourselves, the second step is challenging what we know and establishing a vision of what can be. We must always seek to grow and develop for the better; personally, academically, and professionally. As leaders, it is important to practice ethical behavior and maintain our integrity while staying passionate and dedicated.
Whoever and wherever you are, we need for you to rise to the occasion and be a leader. Our commitment to you is to provide a challenging and memorable experience, but that is not possible unless you open yourself to the opportunities presented to you. We hope to see you at ALA next year!