The Tomorrow Fund is an endowed fund for Circle K International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund, utilizing the interest earned, helps CKI clubs and districts serve the world through grants for service opportunities. The fund is established through a portion of CKI member dues, direct donations, the donation of Carthage-Pullman Society memberships and the donation of Sapphire Circle honoraries.
Tomorrow Fund grants can help you take action. How? Identify projects your club would like to tackle on your campus or in your community. Then, apply for grant funds to support those service projects.
Grants by the Circle K International Board from the Tomorrow Fund must conform to the policies of Circle K International. Tomorrow Fund grants are granted only to CKI clubs and/or districts. The review committee may award up to, but not more than, the amount of interest earned off of the endowment available at the convening of the committee.
Clubs may request funding assistance from US$200 to US$2,000. The committee typically funds those clubs asking for a portion of the total cost of the project, and clubs that are working with other organizations to fund and complete the project.
Some examples of what Tomorrow Fund grants might support include:
- Based on a need to develop better reading skills among at-risk kindergarten students, a CKI club might make chair covers with pockets in them for books. Each kindergarten student has a book read to them by the CKI member, and the books and chair covers are donated to the classroom.
- A District Project might focus on neglected and abused school children who are less likely to have book bags and school supplies. The district could solicit donations from many area businesses and together with their grant be able to supply 200 children with book bags and supplies to get started in the school year.
- A Circle K club could purchase the book “Love You Forever” for first grade students and the first graders could then take the books to an area nursing home and read the books to residents there. If the children do not have grandparents, the program could allow them to adopt a grandparent for the day. The Circle K club helps with teaching the children to read the book and helps with the interaction at the nursing home.
A grant awarded to a Circle K club or district may be distributed in one of three ways:
- The club or district may choose to have the money given directly to their school/district/Kiwanis Club Foundation/District Foundation,
- The grant shall be reimbursed to the club or district upon presentation of receipts, invoices, or other documentation of expenditures, or
- The grant shall be paid to any designated vendor, as directed and approved by the club or district.
Tomorrow Fund applications must be received to the Kiwanis International Office by December 1.
Applications must be submitted to the Youth Funds Specialist at Kiwanis International, 3636 Woodview Trace, Indianapolis, IN 46268; or via fax at 1-317-879-0204.