by Circle K International | Apr 29, 2015 | District Events
Are you attending CKIx as a voting delegate? If so, now is the time to read about the members who have declared their candidacy for international office. Remember, as a voting delegate you will vote for the offices of international president, vice president,...
by Circle K International | Apr 8, 2015 | District Events
The clock is inching closer and closer to the April 17th deadline to register for CKIx for the early bird rate of US$225. Still can’t make up your mind? Check out what members of the Promotional and Internal Marketing Committee have to say in this Buzzfeed...
by Circle K International | Apr 3, 2015 | District Events
Story by C. Kevin Wanzer, CKI Leadership Academy fellow I remember, as a kindergartner, setting up a lemonade stand in front of our house. When kind or thirsty patrons would stop and buy a cup, they’d hear me say, “Before I give you your lemonade . . . a magic...
by Circle K International | Apr 3, 2015 | District Events
How does Circle K International enrich members’ college years? In what ways does community service, fellowship and leadership development influence who you are—and who you become? We asked seven current and former members of Circle K to share thoughts, stories...
by Circle K International | Apr 3, 2015 | District Events
10 people who failed spectacularly … and followed their passion anyway We all like to believe that we’ll find our passion, and the rest of our lives will magically fall into place. Money, fame or the soul-satisfying pleasure of waking up each day to a job...