by Kyle Pierce | Jan 19, 2017 | Advisors, District Convention, District Events, Divisions, Elections, Membership, Notes from Kyle
Circle K Team, I received a few questions about District Officer Elections last night and today. I thought in the spirit of fairness I would share my response to make sure everyone has the same information. Every Lt. Governor candidate needs to have a signed copy of...
by Amy Tedford | Sep 9, 2016 | Annoucements, Membership
Our clubs have been very busy in the past month! Here is some of the many things going on in the Alabama District! Aloha, new CKI members!!!! The University of Alabama club threw a luau ice cream social for interested students and new members! What a...
by Jessica Bloom | Aug 16, 2016 | Annoucements, Membership, Recruitment
Everyone enjoys a good movie with friends. But who can afford those movie theater prices? #PoorCollegeStudent What if you could earn a free movie night with your Circle K friends? And not just a free movie. Free popcorn and a free drink, too! How can you get this...
by Amy Tedford | Aug 9, 2016 | Membership, Recruitment
Now that summer is coming to a close and the school year is starting, that means that CKI fall recruitment is underway! Is your club ready to spread the Circle K love to new incoming freshman and current students? If not, never fear! We have tabling tips thanks...
by Jessica Bloom | Feb 4, 2016 | District Events, Goal Updates, Membership, Recruitment
The spring semester is still a great time to recruit new members! Unfortunately, many clubs see a lag in growth during the spring because they do not actively participate in recruitment like the fall semester. This year the District Board is challenging each club to...