by Kyle Pierce | Jan 19, 2017 | Advisors, District Convention, District Events, Divisions, Elections, Membership, Notes from Kyle
Circle K Team, I received a few questions about District Officer Elections last night and today. I thought in the spirit of fairness I would share my response to make sure everyone has the same information. Every Lt. Governor candidate needs to have a signed copy of...
by Kameron Strickland | Jan 9, 2016 | Advisors, Gulf, Gulf Division, Kiwanis Family, One Spark / Reading is Fundamental, Service
After a great summer of recruitment at Alabama Southern Community College and the University of South Alabama, both clubs have met and exceeded their membership goals! USA has reached 41 members and ASCC has reached 20 members, as of October 17th. Each club has used...
by Allison Farris | Nov 3, 2015 | Annoucements, Chapters, Circle K Projects, Divisions, Service, The Eliminate Project, Valley, Valley Division
The University of North Alabama Circle K hosted a party in honor The Eliminate Project. Fright night was a huge success, but of course took a lot of work. The biggest obstacle was planning, planning, and more planning. In order to pull of this event off CircleK...
by Kameron Strickland | Jul 9, 2015 | Gulf, Gulf Division, Recruitment
As Lieutenant Governor Justin Crofoot stated in his wonderful S.M.A.R.T. Goals blog post, “Circle K doesn’t stop in the summer!” A successful club is built and strengthened from great, year-round recruitment. Through out this summer, the University...
by Allison Farris | May 23, 2015 | Circle K Projects, District Events, Valley
On April 29th, The University of North Alabama’s Circle K participated in the Freshman Frenzy event held in front of Rodgers Hall. Each club had their own booth and Circle K came up with Fishing For Facts. Each player would try to throw their fishing pole over...
by Kyle Pierce | Oct 29, 2012 | Annoucements, Travels, Valley
I’m at Athens State University with David to support the Athens-Limestone Kiwanis Club in their efforts to charter at Circle K Chapter here at ASU. Looking forward to a big day!